Untitled I (Drawing with Mylar emergency blanket, work light, drywall, wood) (2018)
 All drawings of the "Untitled" series are made with the same wooden structure supported by drywalls. Each construction was installed in three different locations for the “rooted ”  exhibition at Jewett Arts Center, Wellesley, MA .
Lee_Juyon_Untitled_1 copy.jpg
 Still shot from video documentation
Untitled I (Drawing with Mylar emergency blanket, work light, drywall, wood) (2018)
Untitled I (Drawing with Mylar emergency blanket, work light, drywall, wood) (2018)

Still shot from video documentation

Any viewer is invited to enter the space of the drawing and be an active participant and collaborator of the work. All participants have the agency to make their own marks by gently playing with the Mylar emergency blanket.

Dimensions: 8 1/3 ft x 8 1/3 ft x 8 ft (h)


Video documentation

The Mylar emergency blanket is a delicate material that reacts to any form of movement around it including airflow and touch. When a participant places their body, which naturally emits heat, near the Mylar, their body heat also bounces off from the silver surface and can be felt by the person as well. By directly touching the Mylar or stirring up air around the silver surface, the participant can create ephemeral marks of reflected light. Every movement of the participant, their presence in the work, and their immediate interaction and experience with the material contributes to making ephemeral marks. Each drawing, therefore, is incomplete without a participant.

 All drawings of the "Untitled" series are made with the same wooden structure supported by drywalls. Each construction was installed in three different locations for the “rooted ”  exhibition at Jewett Arts Center, Wellesley, MA .

All drawings of the "Untitled" series are made with the same wooden structure supported by drywalls. Each construction was installed in three different locations for the “rooted exhibition at Jewett Arts Center, Wellesley, MA.

Lee_Juyon_Untitled_1 copy.jpg
 Still shot from video documentation

Still shot from video documentation